
Law of armed conflict burial at sea
Law of armed conflict burial at sea

law of armed conflict burial at sea

It contains a number of clear and concrete obligations incumbent to belligerent parties on the management of dead bodies, which provide the legal framework for humanitarian forensic action. International Humanitarian Law, also called the laws of war or the law of armed conflict, is an international law branch, which has been developed to regulate and, as far as possible, to humanize armed conflicts. As a result, families look for years for missing relatives, ignorant of the fate of their loved ones. Unidentified remains may be counted by hundreds or thousands.

law of armed conflict burial at sea law of armed conflict burial at sea

Dead bodies are sometimes despoiled, mutilated, abandoned without any funeral rite and without a decent burial. In armed conflicts, death is not an exceptional occurrence, but becomes the rule and occurs on a daily basis.

Law of armed conflict burial at sea